Why We Are Starting With Gratitude in Our 2024 Planning

Annual planning has a refreshing perspective that allows us to tap into our inner dreamer. With a blank slate, we give ourselves permission to prioritize creativity, possibility, and positive change.

We are looking back at 2023 and shining the light on what motivated us and what we are grateful for. When we intentionally protect and expand on what we cherish in the new year, we can find more fulfillment and motivation in our work.


Our 2023 Gratitudes

Our Customers

You contribute to this community just by being a valuable part of it. Every time you share your story with us, tell a friend about your experience, make a purchase, or give us valuable feedback, we appreciate it. You inspire us, remind us what matters, and help us improve. Cheers to a new year ❤

Thank YOU for:

  • Sharing your personal stories with us
  • Teaching us what would improve your experience and showing us how to better serve you
  • Supporting our small team of artists, leaders, contractors, and entrepreneurs with your hard-earned dollars
  • Telling friends and family about us in the hopes they enjoy our service too
  • Making a donation to our charity partners through your purchase with us


Our Team

You are the driving force behind our progress, growth, and transformation. Your commitment to learning and self-improvement enables us to innovate and deliver our best work. We can't wait to see what you achieve in the new year! 🎉

Thank YOU for:

  • Learning with us
  • Trying and failing
  • Trying and succeeding
  • Leaning into your strengths and acknowledging growth areas
  • Sharing honest feedback
  • Facing challenges head on
  • Supporting each other
  • Growing and changing
  • Leading


Our Coaches & Brand Partners


Your expertise and objective perspective provide valuable insights that help us grow. Your reassurance and belief in us helps us to see the possibilities, not just the roadblocks. We can't wait to see who we become as we continue to grow and change with your support.

Thank YOU for:

  • Learning with us
  • Analyzing and evaluating thoughtfully
  • Being honest and transparent
  • Giving us tough feedback
  • Believing in what we are building
  • Contributing your expertise
  • Trying and failing
  • Trying and succeeding 

Our Charity Partners


Your kindness and care for animals in need inspires us. Your effort and dedication brings our community together for a cause we all believe in.

Thank YOU for:

  • Sharing information to involve more people in the effort
  • Giving dogs a second chance to find family, love, and safety


Why We Start With Gratitude

Planning tends to be based on two starting positions. We can focus on our obstacles or our dream. When we start with a plan based on avoiding an obstacle, we often limit our options and unconsciously drive towards the very thing we are trying to avoid. When we start with a plan based on where we want to go, we can stay inspired despite challenges. We see possibility. We allow for space to make mistakes.

Planning Based on Obstacles: 

“Last year, we didn’t… This year, we will finally achieve…” followed by a flurry of to-do lists, calendar invites, goals, and check-ins. 

And we often get a TON done. We plow through to-dos, leaving a whirlwind of completed tasks behind us. While checking off boxes is incredibly satisfying, we often get to the end of the month and feel befuddled about what we actually accomplished. What was it all working towards?


Planning Based on Gratitude:

“Last year we learned… This year we want to improve…” followed by loads of questions, reflection, analysis, and finally, planning.

This form of planning often takes longer and is more ambiguous. It starts with a reflection of where we have been, then considers where we want to go, and finally concludes with a plan detailing how to get from here to there.


We’re Choosing Gratitude:

2023 was the most challenging year for our small business since being founded in 2018. As we head into 2024, we have a choice. We can berate ourselves for what we “should” have accomplished and stay in fear of the headwinds we face, or we can celebrate all the joys, accomplishments, and fulfillment this work brings us and continue to drive towards the dream. We are choosing the latter.

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