Pet of the Month
Hall of Fame

February 2025 Pet of the Month
Billy & Winston
Winston Stalonley carries the first name of his great grandpa’s pup and middle name from a Dirty Heads song. Winston is our handsome boy who often takes life too seriously. The first year of his life, he was raised by his older, much wiser sister Barrie. As a Covid baby, he spent his days attached to his mama while she worked from home making him the definition of a Velcro dog to this day. Winston is our most athletic pup, fetching tennis balls while his brother and sisters bathe in the Texas sun.
Billy Green, or Billiam when he’s in trouble, was also named after a Dirty Heads song. The song’s character, the Mean Billy Green, does not match his fun-loving, sweet personality. He was found on our doorstep 2 years ago and we were certain his family would claim him. After a week of no responses and referring to him as “No Name”, we decided to make him part of the A-Team. Since then, he had been the best brother to Winston and his sisters Barrie and Finley and often flip flops between being a mama’s boy and a papa’s boy. His signature move is to bring you one of his toys to show you…. Not give to you…. Just show you.

January 2025 Pet of the Month
Meet Merica, the 5-year-old German Shepherd who’s more of a loveable goofball than a fierce protector—hence her family given title as the "fake" German Shepherd. She believes that her primary job is to collect hugs and initiate playtime with her favorite humans, all while perfecting her happy smile. When she’s not busy turning every hike into a rock-climbing expedition (because who doesn’t want to scale a boulder for a better view?), she’s plotting her next road trip adventure, ready to explore wherever her humans take her. With a personality as silly as it isa serious, Merica is the kind of dog that will keep you laughing, loving, and occasionally wondering if she’s secretly a comedian in disguise!

Holiday 2024 Pet of the Month
Maxey is a sweet 7 month old lab, named after our favorite Philadelphia 76er. While he is as fun loving and energetic as his namesake, the only dribbling this guy does is at his water bowl. Our Maxey is a big fan of swimming, attention from strangers, and puppies of all ages. This good boy is overjoyed just to be alive, perpetually happy, and a constant reminder to approach each day with the same enthusiasm and gratitude as a Labrador puppy.

October 2024 Pet of the Month
Ryobi is a 5 month old working bearded collie born and raised in New York City He lives with his family of 4 other bearded collies, 2 rescue terriers , 3 cats and a guinea pig He loves to play agility and wrestle with his brothers and sisters He’s even had a few acting jobs

Want to See Your Pet in Our Next Showcase?
Every order placed is eligible for nomination! Our team has already begun sending out their nominations for March and we hope to see your pet among them! Order now to give your pet a chance to shine as our next Pet of the Month!